As you may recall from last week I mentioned that Montezuma NWR and Montezuma winery were teaming up to host an event called "Wildflowers and Wine". If you did not go, you missed out. Thanks to my parents who came out to support me and allowed me to take them on a tour of the meadows. My official job there was to man one of the booths. I gave people information about the refuge and tried to entertain them with my delightful personality. I encouraged kids to go on a scavenger hunt on a mile long trail even though clearly their parents did not want to go, but they gave in. I mean how can you say no when your kid wants to get invovled with nature while also getting a good workout. I don't blame them for not wanting to go though. That wine was good. I was supposed to do a bug sweep event with the kids too (or adults if they were really interested), but no one wanted to partake. That was pretty much the entire day with a little bit of add ons that are of no importance here. I got to enjoy some time off afterwards then started the work week back up with a little time in the marsh.
Day 1: Hand-pulling frogbit
After my "weekend" I started off again getting my hands dirty in the marshes of Montezuma. I made the mistake of opting out of using the canoe and going in the waters with old sneakers and shorts. and yes I was wearing a shirt, too. I can't even count the number of times I sank down in that muck over my knees. That is probably because I wasn't keeping count anyways. There was a couple times I had to grab someones hand to pull me out. We were out pulling frogbit again in the main pool. For those of you that don't remember, frogbit is a tiny lily pad-like invasive species that creates a mat on the surface of the water. The picture to the left represents the lily pad. If you are interested in looking up the fogbit, is a great site for that. So I eventually broke down and used a canoe out there to get me around after sinking in so many times. I was much smoother sailing after that. We ended up pulling about 225lbs of frogbit today.
Day 2: Project assignment
I am to create a program for the general public and educate them on stuff. I have no idea what I am going to do. Actually I know exactly what I am going to do now, but I want to make it sound like I am typing on this exact day. So I didn't mention it for Day 1, but the afternoon was spent reading a book to help teach me and give me some insight about environmental interpretation. Now today I need to get things ready and put my ideas on paper. I now have a basic idea of what I am going to. My plan is to take people out for a nice canoe trip and explore the lands around Montezuma. I made flyers and prepared some other paperwork for this event, but it is still a work in progress.
Day 3: Explore
So before I can take anyone on a paddle through the waters, I need to explore things first myself. So that was my day. I went kayaking on the canal for about 5 hours. It felt great to get outside too. The weather was perfect, the sun was shining, and the temperature was not too hot. I had belted kingfishers flying all around me, I had eagles spook off branches and sore right above me, and I got to see a large snapping turtle up close and personal; it was dead. Oh and I got to walk through a patch of poison ivy without even noticing. Luckily I don't get bothered by it (that is for now). So the day was pretty eventful. I got some paperwork done in the office and did what I needed to for other projects going on. I will definately need to go out again though to see more.
Day 4: Frogbit again
So another day out on the marsh pulling frogbit. We went to a different pool this time and the majority of the work was done from the canoe. We did have to get out of the canoe a couple times though to pull this stuff. It was refreshing getting out of the hot sun and into the cool water. The sun was blazing on us the whole time and we were paddling through thick cattails. There were times that we had to put the paddles down and pull ourselves through. So that water was a nice break. We also got mobbed by black terns. I didn't lose an eye or anything, but they would not leave us alone until we were far away from their nests. Life is dangerous out in the backwaters of Montezuma. So far to date, we have handpulled about 1000 lbs of frogbit from the pools and more expected to follow.
So you might be wondering, how come no Day 5, and my answear is because I didn't put day 5 on here. So in closing for the week, it was awesome. I got to experience a lot and enjoy the sights, all while at work. After three weeks, I am starting to get in the swing of things and learning new stuff. I am so happy to be working here over the summer and I am hoping that everyday is as enjoyable as the last. Tune in for next weeks blog which should be coming up soon because I am already going through week 4. You might enjoy that one. I got some good stuff to tell. Bye!!!
Oh, species list:
Rose-breasted grosbeak, gray catbird, cedar waxwing, yellow warbler, spotted sandpiper, killdeer, American Bald Eagle (Mature), Yeti, American crow, barn swallow, osprey, bufflehead, pied-billed grebe, green heron, great blue heron, brown headed cowbird, common grackle, brown thrasher, red-bellied woodpecker, belted kingfisher, eastern wood peewee, polar bear, savannah sparrow, stripped skunk